Lost but Not Forgotten

I have a Whispered Story I’d like to share with you. A Whispered Story comes from someone who stops by my table while I’m at an event selling my #whisperingstones

I was at a school event in the country side of South Surrey.

A lovely young girl came to my table and chatted with me. We talked about how much fun her school fundraiser was. She spoke with confidence and pride about why her school event rocked so well. She was passionate about her fellow students, teachers and her PAC leaders.

She understood that great leadership creates great results.

As she and I chatted, she picked up and read the messages on the backs of my Whispering Stones.

“I really love this one. Oh! This one is really nice! How much for this one?” The girl asked.

I told her my price point for that school event. She nodded and continued to look some more.

“Are you looking for something for your mom for Mother’s Day or for yourself?” I asked.

“My dog died last week,” she quietly. “I’m making her a memorial and I want one of your stones to mark her spot.”

My heart tightened. I just wanted to give her a hug. When my little dog; Jo-Jo passed away, I couldn’t talk about it for weeks as boldly as she did just then.

This young lady was someone I’d of been proud to be friends with if I were her age.

I watched as she agonized over three beautiful stones.

“I’ll be right back!” she said. “I just want to ask my aunt for advice. She’s just over there at the prize table.”

“Okay,” I said.

They came back shortly and discussed how the Whispering Stones looked and felt in her hand and how the message on the back spoke to her.

“Did she tell you why she wants one of your stones?” her aunt asked.

I nodded, “Yes. I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of her dog.”

“No…she didn’t die. It’s been missing and hasn’t come home, so we are making a special Memorial for her,” the Aunty said.

I nodded my head, and held my saddened emotions in check.

“That’s really nice. I love that,” I managed to say.

My heart gave another squeeze as I saw the sadness fill the young girl’s eyes.

She chose one of my newest Whispering Stones with a powerful message. Her aunt agreed it was a good choice and gave her a hug.

How lucky am I to meet such good people who stand in front of me and share their love and sorrow, in this case, for a lost family member?

I truly love the way my art allows me to meet and connect with people I know I’d never otherwise have the opportunity.

I give thanks again and again…

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